Friday 25 October 2013

Ollie and the Swap Force Characters by Ollie (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time there were skylanders swap force and they could swap. Rattle Bomb, Rattle Shift and Stink Shift One day they got sent to earth and came to me. We went on lots of adventures in Skyland and won every battle. We all lived happily ever after.


  1. Well done Ollie. I enjoyed reading your Skylanders story. I wonder where you went on your adventures?

  2. Hi Ollie
    Well done for writing a story! I can see I am going to have to get to know a lot more about Skylanders if I am to understand what all your characters are like. I have bought myself a book all about them. Perhaps you can help me read it when we get back to school after half term?
    Love from Mrs Murkin

  3. Me too! I don't think I would want to be called Stink Shift.
