Friday, 15 November 2013

Moshi Monsters by Isabel (Squirrel Class)

Once upon a time Moshi had a walk in moshi monster world, she met her friend Katsuma "Can I play?" asked Katsuma, "what can we play?" Poppy said happily "I know we could play tag" shouted Katsuma. "Good idea" Poppet said sweetly. So they played tag"Katsuma you are really good at tag" laughed Poppet, along came Luvli "Do you want to come to my house for lunch" said Luvli kindly. Poppet and Katsuma said "Yes please".  "Meet me at 12 oclock" "Agreed" shouted Poppet "all right" said Katsuma but what is the time "lets eat lunch now"


  1. I think I would like a Moshi name...I wonder what it could be!

  2. What fun your story is, Isabel. You have really got the hang of speech marks, haven’t you? It was so easy to see who was speaking when. You have even put in some different verbs of speech like ‘asked’ and ‘shouted’. Well done!
