Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The tale of Moose and 'What Now' by Zak (Mole Class)

Once there was spooky, creepy forest and in that dark spooky forest there was a dark spooky city, in that dark spooky forest there was a Moose with a friend called 'What Now'. One day a parcel got dropped off by a snail "Oh how funny" said Moose, but 'What Now' smelled something very peculiar "Whats the matter" Moose asked him again and again but 'What Now' was to busy staring in the parcel box a bit like he was so excited his socks nearly came off. With a disappointed face Moose walked along to see what was going on and then he sat staring at the parcel box. In it was all the snail shells in the world, so thats why they were delivered by a snail.


  1. This made me smile Zak!

  2. Well done Zak. Your story made me smile too! Where did you get he idea to call the friend 'What Now'?
