Thursday, 21 November 2013

Rainbow Pie by Sebastian (Rabbit Class)

Once upon a time a little boy found a pie.  He found it while he was sweeping the leaves with his foot.  He went to find somewhere to wash the pie.  He found an old house, it was a witches’ house.  The witch washed the pie and turned it into rainbow pie.  He took it home and his mom said “where did you get that from?”  “I found it for you” said the little boy. They ate the rainbow pie with sausages and potatoes. His mom turned into a princess and the boy turned into a king. Their house became a castle and happily ever after.


  1. This story made me very hungry! I love pie becuase I come from Lancashire and my Grandma made the best butter pie ever!

  2. I would like some rainbow pie. I wonder if it would turn me into a princess.
